• The NZSA Te Kaituhi Māori Launch Dedicated PD programmes

      The NZ Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa Te Kaituhi Māori announces their professional development programmes available for kaituhi Māori in 2024. Te Kaituhi Māori will be offering two toolkits and a webworkshop by contemporary Māori writers Ruby Solly and essa may ranapiri. These will soon be available to kaituhi Māori. Ruby Solly […]

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  • NZSA Writer Toolkit to launch in 2022

    We’re set to launch our NZSA Writer Toolkit in January 2022, and first session will be FREE to all our members. The Writer Toolkit – what is it? Our Toolkit is a new professional development offering from NZSA, and we will launch a series of online courses in 2022. Take courses on craft, industry and life […]

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  • A Reflection on 18 months as NZSA President: “A call-out to all writers: come gather round, we need your support . . . “

    BY MANDY HAGER    MAY 4, 2021     I’ve been a member of NZSA for around 30 years, joining before I published my first book, filled with pride when I could transition from ‘associate’ to ‘full’ membership. Although health and time constraints have meant I’ve rarely attended branch meetings or events, I’ve always read the […]

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  • WebWorkshops: A NZSA Professional Development Initiative

    Originally published in NZ Author – Spring 2020 In many professions continuous development is a requirement: if you want to call yourself an ‘architect’ or a ‘doctor’ you need to keep training regularly throughout your career. We don’t have this kind of mandated requirement as writers, but it is risky to think that attending one […]

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