Changes to Public Lending Right and Legal Deposit – National Library updates

Changes to the PLR registration system

National Library is updating the software platform behind the Public Lending Right for Authors (PLR) registration system. The changes are expected to improve the registration experience for authors, enhance data integrity and reduce administrative burden on our team – thereby increasing speed for the process.

The first basic update will be in place when the next PLR registration round opens on 1 Jan 2024. Authors can then expect to see written instructions and a video tutorial on our website to guide users through the new process from that date.

RealMe® will be integrated as our authentication provider. If users do not already have a RealMe® account, they will be prompted to set one up. A RealMe® login allows users to interact with many Government agencies, including accessing your IRD information, passport applications, and student loans – all with one username and password. Users will not need a full RealMe® verified identity.

National Library has carried out end-user testing and gathered feedback, but some desired changes may be beyond the scope of this initial phase of work. If you have feedback on the new system, we will record these details with a view to making further changes as we continue developing the system.

Email:      You can read more about the PLR here

Changes to the Legal Deposit system

National Library’s new streamlined process for legal deposit will soon be available at:

The new process is an interactive form that guides you through a single deposit (which can include both the physical and digital versions of the same publication), with real-time confirmation of your deposit. It includes a secure end-to-end process for the deposit of digital publications. The upload functionality accepts commonly used digital file formats, and the process includes handovers for files larger than 150 MB.
At present, we recommend using the process for up to approximately five single deposits at a time. For large numbers of publications, or if you need to deposit multiple publications frequently, please contact us to arrange a process for bulk deposits.

The new Legal Deposit process will not require an authentication for log-in.

The team will record any feedback on the new system to assist us to make changes as we continue developing the system. If you need help, have questions or feedback, please contact: during business hours.

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