
Chromacon 2019 – a review

Chromacon 2019 – Auckland – was an expo where a large group of visual artists got together to show off their work at the Aotea Centre, Auckland, on Queens Birthday Weekend. This included illustrators, digital artists, and graphic novelists.

Why would a writer go to this?

From my perspective, if I was looking for an illustrator or graphic novel artist, then this would be an excellent place to find a wide selection of illustrators all in one place. There were plenty of artists and art styles, and if I needed to find somebody for a job it would be a simple case of finding the art style that would best bring my writing to life.

This also works as a positive in the other direction. Artists come to events like these to showcase their work and talent to a wider audience, and hopefully get picked up by somebody who needs a job done.

So overall, I would say that this was an excursion that was very useful. It exposed the visual art world to me in a way that I never thought was possible. It you are a writer who needs an artist, either the event or their website is a good place to look for one.


Cameron Airlie – intern with NZSA from MIT creative writing

My name is Cameron Airlie. As of writing this I am a student of creative writing from MIT working as an intern at the NZSA. As part of my internship one of the things that was recommended for me to do was to go to an event called Chromacon which took place at the Aotea centre at the start of June.

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