Applications for the CLNZ 2024 Contestable Fund Grants open Friday 13 September

Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ) is excited to announce that applications for the 2024 round of Contestable Fund Grants are open from 9:30am on Friday 13 September. We have $75,000 available to support strategic projects that demonstrate New Zealand publishing sector growth. The Contestable Fund Grants are made possible through the CLNZ Cultural Fund.

Applications are invited for projects that have clearly defined and measurable project outcomes, including projects that:

  • Develop the professional skills of writers, including those who write for an education audience.
  • Seek to grow export markets for New Zealand published content.
  • Demonstrate innovation in the creation and distribution of NZ published content.
  • Diverse content that encourages Māori, Pacifica and other minority and ethnic groups to submit within New Zealand Aotearoa.
  • Use online platforms to enhance the profile of New Zealand publishing and/or published content, including to international/export markets.

The amount applicants can apply for depends on the project, with the number of successful recipients varying each year depending on the individual merits of the applications received. In 2023, there were 15 successful recipients.

Successful 2022 grant recipient Damien Levi said:

“The grant helped not only to produce our first book ‘Spoiled Fruit: Queer Poetry from Aotearoa’ which was the original goal, but has managed to help me kickstart a micro-press (Āporo Press) and add new voices to the publishing landscape in Aotearoa.”

Read the full interview with Damien Levi about why to apply for a Contestable Fund grant here.

Applications must be made online and submitted before 4pm Friday 11 October 2024. For more information, and to apply visit the CLNZ Contestable Fund Grants webpage.

Questions about the application process can be sent to Here.

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