Cloud Ink seeks new submissions

Cloud Ink will be accepting submissions during the month of OCTOBER 2020.


Cloud Ink Press was formed by a group of Masters of Creative writing alumni from the Auckland University of Technology. To keep submissions manageable, until now we have limited manuscript submissions to AUT creative writing alumni only. The time has come for us to expand our scope, and, during the month of October, we welcome prose manuscript submissions from New Zealand authors nationwide.

We are interested in publishing adult and young adult fiction of differing genres, written by New Zealand (or permanent resident) writers.

With the exception of our anthology series, Fresh Ink, we do not accept poetry, play scripts, graphic novels, picture books, or short stories.The submission date for the next Fresh Ink edition will be published on the website at a later date.

Please submit only one manuscript at a time. The manuscript should have been assessed by a professional assessor and thoroughly proof-read before you send it. Include a cover letter with your full contact details, short bio, 1-page synopsis and the first 3 chapters (or 50 pages) of your manuscript. Please submit all materials in a single Word document (.doc or .docx). We prefer 1.5 or double line spacing, and Times New Roman or other simple, clear font. Send the file to

If we want to read the full manuscript, we will contact you, and if not you, will be advised via email when your submission has been considered. It may take up to three months for us to get back to you. Please note that we are unable to provide individual editorial advice on the first submission.

Cloud Ink operate as a hybrid publishing entity where all the authors are expected to contribute some money and expertise to the publishing process.

Please also note that when we receive your manuscript, you will be automatically added to our newsletter subscriber list. You will be able to unsubscribe.

We look forward to reading your work.



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