
CompleteMS – open for applications

Do you have a completed draft of your manuscript ready to take to that next level?

Poetry, fiction, short fiction or non-fiction

Apply now for the New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc) CompleteMS manuscript assessment programme

The NZSA CompleteMS manuscript assessment programme is now open for applications. Thirteen successful applicants will receive essential critical feedback on an advanced work, moving it closer to publication.

CompleteMS is for writers who have completed a manuscript through a number of drafts and now require the objective view of an experienced assessor to provide a constructive critique.

Applications open 1 March. Deadline for printed applications to be received is 4pm, 28 May

For more information and application forms

Here’s what two writers had to say about their CompleteMS assessment.

“Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity. I hope to submit my manuscript before the end of the year, and I feel so much more confident and more prepared as a result of this experience. With my assessor’s help I have removed the dull, the self-indulgent and the twee from the collection and I feel as though it is much stronger now.”


“As a result of participating in the CompleteMS programme, I have now decided to make a final suite of changes to my novel manuscript, with a view to distributing it to publishers in the coming months. Without participating in the programme, I would likely have sat on it for longer.”

To apply for this professional development you need to be a member of the NZ Society of Authors. Membership of NZSA is $130 per annum, with a reduced rate for students. NZSA encourages applications from Māori, Pacific and Asian writers.

The CompleteMS Programme is made possible thanks to funding from Creative New Zealand.

For further information and application forms

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