CompleteMS – Open for Applications

Do you have a completed draft of your manuscript that is ready to take to that next level?

Apply now for the NZSA CompleteMS Manuscript Assessment Programme – a programme that provides writers with essential critical feedback on an advanced work, moving it closer to publication.

CompleteMS suits writers who have completed a manuscript through a number of drafts and require the objective view of an experienced assessor to provide a constructive critique. More

Here’s what writers had to say about their 2016 CompleteMS assessment.

“I feel the assessor has shone a light on the issues with my manuscript that were holding me back. I couldn’t see it clearly because I had got caught up in the details but the honest and also encouraging summary has shown me what I need to work on. I knew it wasn’t quite right and now I know how to fix it.”

From this day forth I will always use an assessor early in a project.

“After the lone process of writing a novel it was so refreshing to have an experienced eye on my work. It really breathed life back into the redrafting process. I am excited to see what happens next.”

We encourage M?ori, Pacific and Asian writers to apply for this programme.

Applications open 4 March. Deadline for applications 27 May

For more information and application forms

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