Congratulations to the 2022 winners! A wonderful day of flash, with the special awards night and reading!

Congratulations! Announcing the 2022 National Flash Fiction Day (NFFD) winners!  FirstGolden phoenix, grey hen – Vera DongKerikeri SecondHe Rangi Mokopuna – Helen WaakaTe Matau a Māui Hawkes Bay ThirdBefore it sets – Rebecca BallŌtautahi Christchurch Highly commendedThe Art of Dentistry – Margaret MooresTāmaki Makaurau Auckland CommendedSafe – Kerry LaneŌtepoti Dunedin / GlasgowThank you to our judges, Anne Kennedy and Kiri Piahana-Wong! The winners are posted at the NFFD site, here, with the youth Winners posted at fingers comma toes. Congratulations, all!  And congratulations to everyone who participated in the 2022 Festival of Flash!All festival contents can be found here .Our Festival concluded with the awards night, and two video parts which you can find at these links: Part 1 — with readings, musical guests, contents from city centers, collaborations, six-word stories and more Part 2 — the livestreamed announcements of the winners, with judges’ comments and readings And we’re not done yet… Watch in the coming days for the top place-getters in the 2022 Micro Madness competition. Go here to see the top three stories posted on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Join us in Christchurch on June 22 for a reading from top place-getters there, and celebrate our ten years!*       Turanga, First Floor TSB Space*       6pm*       Go to the Facebook page to find out more.

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