
Danny Keenan receives the 2023 Michael King Writer’s Fellowship


It was announced on Friday that Dr Danny Keenan (Ngāti Te Whiti ki Te Ātiawa) is the 2023 recipient of Michael King Writer’s Fellowship. Congratulations Danny!

Danny will use the fellowship to support the writing of his new work is called In Sickness and In Health: A Cultural History of Three Māori Pandemics 1895-2021. It’s an historical analysis of three pandemics that have egregiously affected Māori.

Malcolm Burgess, Manager, Arts Practice Directors, says he’s thrilled to be able to offer the 2023 Creative New Zealand Michael King Writer’s Fellowship to Dr Keenan.

‘Dr Keenan has an impressive publication record, and we look forward to the matāuranga that will emerge from a compelling and engaging project that will have a wide impact for generations to come.’

Read the full story here.

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