
Emma Neale to judge $1000 Kathleen Grattan Prize for a Sequence of Poems

11 April 2023

International Writers’ Workshop NZ Inc (IWW) is thrilled to announced that New Zealand poet Emma Neale will judge The Kathleen Grattan Prize for a Sequence of Poems in October.


The competition, which has been made possible by a bequest from the late Jocelyn Grattan in memory of her mother, Kathleen, is proudly being organised by IWW for the fifteenth straight year.

In 2023, the Prize is $1000 for a cycle or sequence of unpublished poems that have a common link or theme.

Emma, whose poetry manuscript, The Truth Garden, won the Kathleen Grattan Award for Poetry in 2011 (also funded by a bequest from the late Jocelyn Grattan), is a multi-talented writer across a number of genres.

She is the author of six novels, six collections of poetry, and a collection of short stories and has received a number of literary fellowships, residencies and awards, including the Lauris Edmond Memorial Award for a Distinguished Contribution to New Zealand Poetry 2020.

Her poetry, flash and short fiction has been long-listed, short-listed or placed in a number of national and international awards, including the National Memory Day Poetry Competition UK, the Ware Poets Open Competition UK,  the Bridport Prize (poetry and flash fiction categories), the Bath Flash Fiction Award, the Takahe poetry competition, the Sarah Broom Poetry Award and the Fish Publishing Short Story Award.

The mother of two sons, Emma lives in Ōtepoti/Dunedin, where she works as an editor.

Preparatory Workshop

IWW is delighted that Emma will also conduct a one-hour preparatory workshop on Zoom on the morning of Tuesday 2 May 2023. Some of her workshop will focus on the different ways a poet can approach writing a sequence of poems.

Visitors are welcome to attend the preparatory workshop for a token visitor fee.  Email iww-writers@outlook.com to register.

The Kathleen Grattan Prize for a Sequence of Poems is free for IWW members to enter, and it is very easy for aspiring poets and writers to join IWW by 28 June 2023 to be eligible to enter their poetry in the competition.

The rules for the competition, details of how to join IWW, meeting times and other activities of the workshop, are available from the IWW website: www.iww.co.nz.

In 2022, the Prize was won by Auckland poet Margaret Moores for her sequence titled Absences.


Key Dates for The Kathleen Grattan Prize for a Sequence of Poems in 2023

2 May: Preparatory workshop on Zoom with Emma Neale.

28 June: Last day for new members to join IWW to be eligible to enter this year’s Prize.

3 October: Closing date for entries.

21 November: Announcement of the 2023 winner of The Kathleen Grattan Prize for a Sequence of Poems.

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