12 November event ahead of Courage Day

Courage Day (Day of the Imprisoned Writer) is observed on 15 November each year. It is a key event in the NZSA calendar and — as represented by the PEN Empty Chair — part of its kaupapa.

On Courage Day, we recognise writers who defend the right to free speech, and those who suffer oppression and are killed or imprisoned for their writing.

This year, NZSA Wellington branch will hold an event on Monday 12 November, marking Courage Day early.

We invite you to bring, if you wish, a short poem or reading (by yourself or another writer), or a recent news article, that encapsulates courage and acknowledges the kaupapa of Courage Day.

We invite you to share your reading at the mic, or by adding it to a display table we’ll set up, which we hope will prompt discussion, reflection and – perhaps – action.

When: Monday 12 November 2018. Doors and cash bar from 7pm, for a 7.30pm start.

Where: Vic Books Pipitea campus, Rutherford House, 27 Lambton Quay, Wellington, near the train station.

All welcome. Koha at the door: $3 NZSA members, $5 non-members.

We’re grateful, as always, to Vic Books Pipitea for their support in providing our venue.