We’re looking forward to a full end-of-year meeting! It’s on Sat 7 Dec, from 4pm – 6:30pm at Freemans Bay School. (We’ve extended our end time a little to fit in the quiz!)
- Graeme Lay has judged his eponymous short story competition, and the winners will be announced (and first place story read) at this meeting.
- We’re having our first ever quiz! There will be prizes for the winning group. Without giving too much away, I’ll just say it would be wise to form cross-genre teams on the night…
- We’ll be providing some wine and cheese, but feel free to bring a little something to share with your table groups, too.
It’s shaping up to be a very fun end-of-year celebration. Please let us know if you can make it by filling out this RSVP form, so we have a sense of numbers for catering and organising the space for the quiz.
Ngā mihi nui,
Maria Gill (Chair) and Kit Willett (Secretary)