2016 Beginner’s Guide to Screenwriting

Busting to write for the big screen but not sure where to start?

Come join me for this popular two-day screenwriting workshop and find out!

Beginner’s Guide to Screenwriting is designed for you. It demystifies the nuts and bolts of screenwriting – in two days you will learn everything you need to know to start writing your screenplay.

Got the basics and want to go to the next level?  Check out Beginner’s Guide: Part 2

Screenwriting has much in common with other forms of creative writing and storytelling but it has a distinct form and language.  This workshop provides an excellent grounding in both and offers insight into how film and television projects are put together.

Want to avoid the newbie mistakes?  You’re in the right place.

You will learn:

The basic how and why of writing for film including plot, story structure, dialogue, big print, character arc and the visual grammar of screenplays.
How screenplays differ from other forms of fiction
How genre impacts and influences your story
The importance of starting with a cinematic premise
How to format a screenplay
How to create compelling watchable characters
How to write a logline, synopsis and beat sheet
How to write a scene.
The differences between writing feature, short and TV.
What to do next once you’ve finished your draft
