The Mātātuhi Foundation wants to hear from you!

If you’re in the business of creating innovative opportunities for NZ writers to extend their reach and/or promoting literacy in Aotearoa New Zealand, the M?t?tuhi Foundation wants to hear from you!

You’ll need to hurry though, as applications for this year’s first funding round close on 31 May.

The Foundation, established by the Auckland Writers Festival in 2018, aims to support the literary landscape of New Zealand.

M?t?tuhi Foundation Chair Anne Blackburn says she looks forward to receiving applications from groups that are thinking outside-the-box to bring in new audiences for our writers and their works.

“We’re passionate about ensuring the extraordinary breadth and depth of our local writers’ works are enjoyed by communities around New Zealand. We are also committed to increasing Kiwis’ literacy.  We want to support groups who share our vision.”

There is up to ten grants of between $2,000 and $5,000 available per year across two funding rounds  Submissions must be made online.

Applications for a second funding round end 31 October.

For more information, click here.