Best New Zealand Poems

Best New Zealand Poems—published annually by the International Institute of Modern Letters—aims to introduce readers to leading contemporary New Zealand poets.

Welcome from Chris Price

Best New Zealand Poems is published annually by the International Institute of Modern Letters, and aims to introduce readers—especially internationally—to leading contemporary New Zealand poets. The poems are chosen to show the vitality and range of current writing. We have shamelessly modelled this online project on the successful US paperback anthology, The Best American Poetry. Each year we publish 25 poems from recent literary magazines and poetry collections, where possible including notes about and by the poet, as well as links to related publishing and literary websites. In this way we hope that readers will be able to follow up fresh discoveries. There are plenty to be made.

Alongside the launch of Best New Zealand Poems 2018, we are pleased to announce that all previous issues of Best New Zealand Poems can now be accessed on our new website. It’s a fantastic resource for anyone who is keen to find out more about New Zealand poetry.

Best New Zealand Poems continues to cross linguistic borders. Following on from Chinese and Italian editions, our colleagues at Waiteata Press are working on a Samoan / English edition of Best New Zealand Poems 2016, and a Persian translation of Best New Zealand Poems 2017 is also in progress.

Our 2018 editor is Fiona Farrell. Our 2019 editor will be Hera Lindsay Bird.

For more information, click here!