Everyone is welcome to Picton Library on Tuesday 29 June, 5.45 – 7.30 pm, for the launch of Patricia Berwick’s new book The Tablets of Ur.

The Tablets of Ur is a novel of heroism, personal sacrifice, strength, character, loyalty and the survival of two women alone. It recounts the terrifying journey of Ai’shah, and her favourite professor (Dr Cassandra) into the heart of the Taliban in Pakistan, just two years after 9/11. They are kidnapped in Dubai and taken to Quetta in Pakistan. From there, they attempt to escape.

Set in the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan The Tablets of Ur is an adventure of intrigue and passion. It demonstrates the eternal truth that people are people no matter where they live, how they dress, or what they believe. Learning to live in peace is a great challenge for all of us.

Patricia is an anthropologist/writer/educator, now based in Picton, who spent many years living and working in the Middle and Far East. Observing people and discovering cultures is not only a joy but also a hope that through understanding difference, peace is possible.

At the launch, Patricia will be introduced by Nadine Taylor, Deputy Mayor, Marlborough District Council. There will be wine, juice and nibbles, plus the chance to win a magnum of Spy Valley wine. The book will be for sale for $25, and can also be pre-ordered at the following links: Amazon Barnes & Noble  Smashwords