Join Christine Leunens at the launch of her latest book In Amber’s Wake at the Elma Turner Library in Nelson on Saturday 12 March, 2 pm.

Set in New Zealand during the fast-changing, tumultuous 1970s era of the anti-nuclear movement, Springbok rugby tour protests and the bombing of the Rainbow Warrier, In Amber’s Wake is a powerful and passionate novel that shows the staggering lengths some people will go to for those they love.

Christine Leunens is the author of the novel Caging Skies, which was adapted into the Academy Award-winning movie Jojo Rabbit, directed by Taika Waititi. The film adaptation of In Amber’s Wake, whose screenplay Christine penned, is currently being made into a motion picture.

This is a free event with books available to purchase on the day thanks to Page & Blackmore Booksellers. To book, email