Call for external peer assessors in the literature sector from Creative New Zealand

Make an important contribution to literature in New Zealand. Gain valuable insight into the funding process. Register yourself or nominate someone to become a Peer Assessor for Creative New Zealand.

We’re calling for nominations for external peer assessors in the literature sector.

You may know that we have moved to solely external assessment for all our funding applications, so the role of the peer assessor is now even more vital. As some of our current literature assessors will complete their term soon, we are looking to add some new literature assessors to our pool to ensure our funding process is representative of Aotearoa’s diverse identities, perspectives and knowledge.

What does being a peer assessor entail?

External peer assessors are asked to evaluate a range of funding applications made to Creative New Zealand’s against specific criteria. They may also be asked to be on an assessment panel and/or meet with other peer assessors to provide funding recommendations to Creative New Zealand senior management and/or the Arts Council.

Peer assessment is a paid role. Payment is usually $45 per application, plus $80 for the round.

Attending panel meetings is an additional $150, as required for each round.

What experience is required?

External peer assessors for literature are people with an in-depth understanding of the literature sector and current artform practice. We are also looking for literature assessors that have understanding of international trends and markets.

Why do it?

Being a peer assessor for Creative New Zealand will provide you with the opportunity to learn about the latest activity in the literature sector. Working with other peer assessors can be a great professional development opportunity, exposing you to different perspectives and potentially widening your own thinking. Assessing is very important, and a vital way for our most knowledgeable and experienced people to serve their sector.

Register or nominate someone now

Assessors can be nominated by completing the nomination form on our website and sending it to Self-nominations will be accepted.

This particular recruitment drive will end on 10 December.

Read more about the role and nominate/register on our website

Read the peer assessor terms and conditions