Call for Poems for NZ edition of Atlanta Review

Live in Aotearoa, New Zealand?

Have poems?

Selected writers receive publication and copies of Atlanta Review (NZ edition)

Your poems

Please send 3 poems (max), 70 lines (max) per poem.

Poems must not be previously published in print in the USA or Canada (all other countries acceptable) or in online publications.*

Poems can either be pasted in an email, or as an attachment (.doc, .docx, .txt or .pdf).

Email your poems to nzedition2017 @, addressed to Ms Alvarez, editor.

This NZ edition is forthcoming in the Northern Hemispherean spring, 2017.


If your work is selected,
Atlanta Review requests First North American Rights, and credit in future republications.
• you will receive three copies of Atlanta Review in which your work appears.

* The editor will consider work published online (blogs, FB, personal websites, etc.), but not in another online publication, where poems are selected and published by another editor.

If in doubt, please check with Ms Alvarez. More

Deadline 1 October 2016