Compelling stories by emerging writers awarded 2019 NZSA assessments

The NZ Society of Authors announce who will receive manuscript guidance in this year’s CompleteMS programme.

Thirteen writers with manuscripts ranging through black comedy, Kiwi noir, ethnographic fiction/literary non-fiction, creative non-fiction, fantasy, historical, young adult, new adult, family saga, sci-fi, short stories, coming-of-age story and poetry have been chosen to take part in this year’s programme. Each writer will receive a detailed assessment of their manuscript from one of New Zealand’s leading assessors, followed by a Q+A session where they ask follow through questions.

Our congratulations to the NZSA CompleteMS 2019 recipients: Shriya Bhagwat-Chitale, Tom Baragwanath, Paul Chapman, Robin Harding, John Mackay, Louise Maich, Mikaela Nyman, Sudha Rao, Eleanor Rimoldi, Rochelle Savage, Marion Sutcliffe, Kathryn van Beek and Mary Wilkins.

These writers have crafted compelling manuscripts. They come from across New Zealand: writing in Port Chalmers, Amberley and Diamond Harbor, through Wellington, New Plymouth, Waiheke Island, and across Auckland – Laingholm, Pt Chevalier, Mellons Bay, Sandringham, and New Lynn. One recipient submitted his MS from Belleville, Paris.

Philippa Werry, convener of the selection panel along with writers Kyle Mewburn and Vivienne Plumb, commented:
“The submissions encompassed a wide and intriguing range of genres and styles. The standard of work was high, and although there was a considerable overlap in choices between selectors, a number of other applications also showed much potential and narrowly missed out. 

We were impressed by the commitment and determination shown by all of these writers as they try to forge a writing career in a challenging publishing climate and we hope to hear more from them in the future.” Many past recipients have produced final manuscripts that have achieved publication and acclaim.

CompleteMS Manuscript Assessments are offered by NZ Society of Authors every year with the intent of fostering and developing emerging talent with the support of established practitioners. The NZSA has run highly successful manuscript assessment and mentoring programmes for writers since 1999 that are supported by funding from Creative New Zealand.

Pictures and profiles of CompleteMS recipients of 2019