Fast Fibres Poetry 7 Call for submissions on ‘place’ – deadline 12 June

Fast Fibres Poetry 7 Call for submissions on ‘place

The theme of Fast Fibres Poetry 7 this year will be ‘place’.  We invite poets with a strong Northland connection to submit 3 poems on a place, area, wāhi, or rohe that resonate with you. Please include a two line biographical statement.

Fast Fibres 7: Place will be launched in print and online on National Poetry Day, August 21, 2020.

Deadline: June 12

Send submissions by email:


Note: Each poem should preferably be no longer than 20 lines single spaced and typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman.

Poems must be submitted as a single Word document with your name in the filename. PDFs and handwritten submissions will not be considered.