Freelance True Tales Competition 2017 – deadline

Theme: ‘The Turning Point.’ A short story of a real incident or series of events in your life (or another’s) that marked a significant moment of change, and led to a fresh insight, a new direction, or a decision to do something different, or changed how you saw yourself or how you were seen by others. The intention is that change is positive and beneficial.


  1. Entries by email only as a Word Doc or PDF attachment. Title and your name must appear in the Subject line of your email. Your name must not appear on the manuscript. Stories must be previously unpublished. Your name must not appear on the manuscript.
  2. Word count: 1,500 maximum.
  3. The competition opens 1st September 2017, and closes at midnight 31st October 2017. Open to writers resident in New Zealand and to all Freelance subscribers worldwide.
  4. 1st Prize: $250. 2nd Prize: $150. 3rd Prize: $100. Winners will be notified by email.
  5. Entry fee $5 for one story. Maximum of 3 stories per writer. Entry fee to be paid online to bank account 01-0671-0033292-00. Use your name as Reference.
  6. Winners will be notified by email.
  7. Winning stories and 12 Highly Commended will be published in a Freelance anthology in 2018. (First New Zealand Serial Rights). All published entries will be paid $20. Copyright will remain with the author.


Jenny Argante & Shona-Ellen Barnett

Editors of Freelance

Tel (+64) 07 777 0212. Txt (+64) 028 406 32 40