Future Affairs Administration (FFA): Now Seeking Science Fiction Submissions

Future Affairs Administration (FFA), a science fiction publication produced in China, is seeking short stories, reviews, interviews, and articles. They are looking for time machines in story form—writing that takes us to new dimensions of time and space and challenges us to rethink our current perspectives. They are especially interested in stories that project the future and reveal new insights about ourselves and our world, both as it is and as it could be. They like innovative writing and unique authorial styles. You can browse their website to get an idea of what they’re looking for.

FFA is an SFWA qualifying market, and they only accept science fiction. They publish work in both Chinese and English, but right now they are seeking short stories in English. They publish work from all over the world, so English translations are welcome. Submitting authors can expect a response within two months.

Authors of science fiction may submit short stories, 1,000 to 7,500 words, or works of flash fiction up to 1,000 words. They also accept novelettes, 7,500 to 15,000 words, and novellas, 15,000 to 17,500 words. All submissions should include a cover letter with information about previous publications. Authors of non-fiction articles, interviews, and reviews related to science fiction may also submit work.

FFA accepts submissions via email, but not online or by post. They do not accept simultaneous submissions. They do, however, accept previously published work. FFA pays authors up to 10 cents per word, depending on whether the work is a reprint or original, and depending on the rights the author signs on publication.

If you would like to learn more or submit to Future Affairs Administration, please visit their website at http://www.faa2001.com/home/submissions-guidelines/.