Golden Bay Live Poets

The next meeting of Golden Bay Live Poets on Thursday 20 October features as guest poets two Slam award winners, Carrie Rudzinski and Ken Arkind.

Named ‘Best Female Poet’ at her first national poetry competition in 2008, Carrie Rudzinski was ranked fourth in the world at the 2014 Women of the World Poetry Slam. Ken Arkind is an American National Poetry Slam Champion who has performed his work in 49 US states, six countries and at over 200 colleges and universities. He and Carrie will appear on stage at around 8 pm.

The evening begins at 7.30 pm with live music from local performance poet Redwood, who shares original songs on guitar. Mark Raffills is coming down from Auckland to be MC. Everyone is welcome to come and listen, or to present their poems and songs (register on the night). GB Live Poets takes place at the Mussel Inn, Onekaka. Koha entry. For more information contact Rose at