The Golden Bay Writers Group meets monthly in Takaka. Meet up to connect, work on writing projects and share feedback in a supportive way.

Tess James will be facilitating the next meeting on Saturday 12 March, 10 am – 12.30 pm.  The theme is ‘Stubborn Gladness and Active Hope’ (these are beloved concepts of writers Elizabeth Gilbert and Joanna Macy respectively).  Tess has some quotes and prompts prepared for sparks.

You can beam into the group meeting via this google meet link: or meet at the Anglican Church Hall, 42 Commercial Street. It is next to Artisans and you can either go in from Commercial Street (walk alongside the church to the back) or there is parking behind the hall if you head down the lane beside the Takaka Tyre shop on Motupipi Street.

For those who are attending in person, we request that people wear a mask to and from the venue, and then social distance at least one metre so we can write unmasked.  There will be plenty of space with chairs, tables and trestles available. Please bring your own paper/writing journal and pens (or laptop), as well as cash koha of approximately $5 for the use of the hall if meeting in person. The hybrid meeting is still a work in progress and we have some ideas about how to keep tweaking it for next time.

Everyone is welcome to Golden Bay Writers Group meetings. The date and venue can vary, so for details contact Charlotte Squire at 027 525 7455 or