How to Speak Your Truth Without Being a Slave to It and the Power of What If

Date: 10am-3pm, Saturday 24 August 2019
Location: Waikanae Baptist Church, Te Moana Road, Waikanae
Faculty: Victor Rodger
Cost: $86.25 including lunch
To register contact:

Sometimes it is necessary to leave the absolute truth behind in order to follow the story. Sometimes we need to let go of the reality of our experiences, to let go of what ‘happened’ and allow the story to take the lead. This workshop is geared towards writers who are working on something autobiographical and who wish to learn some tools to help slide off of the absolute truth and into the world of fiction. In this workshop participants will be able to discuss the story they want to tell in order to find the story that they should tell.

Limited to 12 participants. To reserve your space contact Kirsten Le Harivel at

More info.