Let’s Go There

Date: 9:30am – 4pm, Saturday 7 September 2019
Location: Waikanae Baptist Church, Te Moana Road, Waikanae
Faculty: Rajorshi Chakraborti
Cost: $86.25 including lunch
To register contact: kirsten@kahini.org

In recent times, I’ve been thinking a lot about various writerly limits and how to negotiate them. What are the limits that appear within different writers as we work, from within us and around, that restrict and redirect where our ideas, stories and scenes will go? And what happens if we become more aware of those limits – emotional, imaginative, stylistic, technical – and try out strategies to consciously break through or go around them? What might then emerge, as more than one of our previous limits lie in our wake, and the path ahead gets riskier, unfamiliar but also incredibly interesting?

This workshop – that will think about working with, through and beyond our present imaginative and technical limits – would be open to prose writers working in any genre, fiction or non-fiction, because limits, comfort zones and no-go areas seem to crop up no matter where we turn our minds. We would spend the first part of the day sharing our individual experiences of grappling with different kinds of ‘boundaries’ – external or self-imposed, and, in the second half, attempt a piece of writing with the aim of taking it somewhere unexplored.

Limited to 12 participants. To reserve your space contact Kirsten Le Harivel at kirsten@kahini.org.

More info.