National Poetry Day Competition – Hagley Writers’ Institute (Canterbury)

Hagley Writers’ Institute National Poetry Day Competition
Cantabrians are invited to enter this National Poetry Day competition judged by James Norcliffe. The winning poem will be published as a poster by Phantom Billstickers and will be announced along with the runner up at a National Poetry Day Celebration reading at Scorpio Bookshop in association with WORD Chch Writers’ Festival. Not sure what to write? Come along to the free warm-up workshop on the 25th of June.

Entry Details: Canterbury poets aged 18+. Email or post your poems (typed, in single-spaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman font) to the Hagley Writers’ Institute.

Submission Dates: 25 June – 31 July 2016

Contact Details: Submissions to and further information from Morrin Rout, Director, Hagley Writers’ Institute. Email Ph: 0210464189 or 03 3299789

Further Info: