NZ Founders Society Research / Book Award


  1. The Award will be of an amount to be determined by the National Executive of the NZ Founders Society from time to time, but will not be less than $1,500 or more than $3,000.
  2. The method of payment will be one-third forwarded to the candidate on confirmation of their success, a further one-third after a period of approximately six months when the Society has received confirmation of satisfactory progress and a final payment of one-third after receipt of satisfactory evidence showing completion of the research.
  3. The Award is made for research in the areas of national or local history but not for research into personal family backgrounds, family trees or pure genealogy.  However, a full length account or biography of a founding family or family member could be accepted provided the topic has general appeal.
  4. Research must be completed within one year following notification of winning the Award, or within a time limit agreed to by the National Executive of the Society prior to the payment of the first instalment of the Award or subsequently.
  5. The research can be a finite part of a larger piece of research, but must be able to be published alone.
  6. Following completion and the work being made public, the NZ Founders Society Inc. reserves the right to use or to publish in part or in any way it thinks appropriate, the research of an Award winner.  This condition does not contravene the rights of the author, and any such publication will be with the prior agreement of the author and will not in any way be to the detriment of the publication of the completed research.
  7. All research reports and/or publications must contain a printed acknowledgement to the NZ Founders Society Inc.  A waiver of this requirement can only be granted by the National Executive of the Society.
  8. The work is to be published in printed form and at least one complimentary copy of the final report or publication must be presented to the Society. The Society does not support publications that are solely in electronic form. In the event of the project not being completed within the agreed time limit, any progress payments not made and the final payment, could be forfeited.
  9. The acceptance of these conditions is to be acknowledged by the applicant on their application form.

NZ Founders Society website 
Download the application form in PDF format