NZSA Auckland in April: Hachette Publisher Kate Stephenson’s Manuscript Wishlist

NZSA Auckland Branch
Friday 1 April, 6.15pm
Online Event for Auckland Branch members only.


What does your manuscript need in order to make it into a publisher’s acquisitions meeting? What gets it accepted (or declined) for publication? Find out what your manuscript needs to make the cut with our April guest, Hachette Aotearoa’s new senior publisher, Kate Stephenson.

Kate Stephenson was previously the Fiction Publisher at Wildfire/Headline Publishing Group (part of Hachette UK) and joined Hachette Aotearoa this year in the newly created role of Senior Publisher. Kate is responsible for growing the list and is looking for a range of high-quality fiction (commercial and literary), and commercial non-fiction with a brief to find books that are page-turning, thought-provoking and emotionally resonant and will appeal to both New Zealand and international readers.

Does your manuscript have what a traditional publisher is looking for? Join us in April to find out!

Due to COVID Omicron this will be a live Zoom event (it will not be recorded). Current Auckland Branch members only will receive the zoom link the day before so book it in your calendar now!

New Books: Anyone wishing to present a new book at the Friday meeting please notify the Auckland Branch by return email before noon on Wednesday 30 March. You will be given a slot during the Zoom meeting.

Do You Support NZSA’s work with PEN International?

For several years, Julie Ryan has highlighted each month a writer who is facing persecution or imprisonment for their work. This is called The Empty Chair. Julie is stepping down from this role. We want to thank Julie for her work and ask that if you have a passion and interest for the work of PEN to get in touch with the branch to take over this role.