NZSA Mentor Programme 2023 – open for applications

For Writers! Apply now to be mentored by an established writer, poet, playwright.

The NZ Society of Authors Mentor programme 2023 seeks applications from writers looking for professional development, a safe space to discuss their work, intellectual community, role models, accountability and substantive feedback.

The NZSA Mentor Programme is designed to give beginning or emerging writers who demonstrate potential and commitment the opportunity to work closely with an experienced writer as their mentor in order to hone their writing skills and, in the process, take a piece of work from the early stages to a polished manuscript with potential for publication.

NZSA seek to reflect and expand the depth and breadth of our sector and welcome applications from diverse writers working across a range of genres and writing disciplines. As part of our commitment to diversity we tag three mentorships for emerging writers identifying as Māori, Pasifika, and Asian. This programme is made possible thanks to support from Creative New Zealand. More

Applications for the 2023 programme are accepted from 1 December 2022 to 1 February 2023.

The writers and creators who gained mentorships in 2022 polished and refined their skills under the mentorship of these talented professionals: Caroline Barron, Cassie Hart, Kyle Mewburn, Judy Mohr, Vincent O’Malley, James Brown, Philippa Werry, Ruby Porter, Geoff Walker, Mandy Hager, Mikaela Nyman, Maxine Alterio, Anne Kennedy, and Kiri Piahana-Wong

Want to Apply?


This programme is made possible thanks to support from Creative New Zealand. More