We are proud to announce the launch of the NZSA Shaw Writer’s Award which supports the completion and/or publication of new fiction by mid-career fiction writers from New Zealand.
The NZSA Shaw Writer’s Award was established by novelist Tina Shaw to encourage the development of great novels by mid-career fiction writers who are working on a new project. All applicants must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents.
Shaw says, “It’s true that our New Zealand writers frequently express the feeling that their mid-career progress is slower than that of new writers, who can more readily garner media interest for their publications,” says Shaw.
As a result, the newly created award is intended not only to offer the recipient the freedom that money brings but also to increase the chances of a mid-career writer being recognised as a “good business” prospect to be welcomed by publishers.
Applicants will be shortlisted by a judging panel, with the final winner selected by Tina Shaw in consultation with and advised by the shortlist judging panel.
The New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc) administers the prize. Entries for the NZSA Shaw Writer’s Award must be made on the New Zealand Society of Author’s website (authors.org.nz) by the advertised deadline, with the winner announced after judging has been completed.
Want to Apply?
This grant is aimed at mid-career fiction writers who have published at least three standalone novels. While a broad range of fiction and publication models will be considered, please check the guidelines carefully before applying.
First: Read the Terms and Conditions for the NZSA Shaw Writer’s Award
Then: Fill in the NZSA Shaw Writer’s Award application form
The NZSA Shaw Writer’s Award open for applications 9am Friday 17 May 2024, and will close at midnight Sunday 14 July 2024.
Submissions must be made online. Unsuccessful applicants will be advised before recipients are announced. Successful recipients will be contacted directly, and we will also publish the announcement on the NZSA websites and social media platforms.
New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa PEN NZ Inc was established in 1934 and is the principal organisation representing writers’ interests in NZ. A national office oversees our branches, administers prizes and awards, offers contract advice and runs professional development programmes among other activities.
For further information or to organise an interview, please email Kirsten Le Harivel (NZSA) (events@nzauthors.org.nz)