NZSA Wellington Open Mic Feb 2025

Wellington Open Mic Feb 2025

Please join us for the first of our NZSA Wellington literary shindigs for 2025! To kick off our series of regular branch events for this year, we’re holding an Open Mic Evening on Wednesday 12 February.

We hope you can join us – to read, to listen, or both!

What: Open Mic Evening – all welcome, free event, light refreshments provided

Date: Wednesday 12 February 2025

Where: The Undercurrent bookshop, 118 Tory Street, Te Aro

Time: 5.30pm doors/sign-up, for a 6.00pm start

The event proper will run from 6.00–8.00pm, but please join us from 5.30pm to sign up for the open mic, have a chat, and browse the wonderful bookshop.

Sign up on the night to read / perform. To secure your spot on the list, sign up between 5.30pm and 6pm. Readers should prepare a 5-minute reading. Poetry, prose, any genres and forms welcome.

With thanks to our hosts, The Undercurrent bookstore.

Accessibility: For the duration of our event, the venue is accessible via wheelchair. The accessible entrance – which will be staffed, and marked by our NZSA banner – is near the parking bay to the right of the main entrance (from the corner of Tory and Vivian, head about 30 metres down Tory St towards the harbour, and look for the parking bay before you reach the next building). Please contact us beforehand if you have any questions.

There is a small step up to the stage, but we welcome – and can provide a microphone for – readings from elsewhere in the room.

As always we welcome anyone who chooses to wear a mask, and we ask that if you are unwell you stay home and stay safe.

Questions: If you have any queries, please email