Online workshop for Courage Day 2023

On Freedom, Courage, and Conviction
An online workshop for Courage Day 2023

Each year, NZSA joins PEN International and writers around the world in acknowledging the Day of the Imprisoned Writer, known in Aotearoa New Zealand as Courage Day.

This year, NZSA Wellington branch will acknowledge Courage Day by holding an online writing workshop, On Freedom, Courage, and Conviction.

When: Wednesday 15 November 2023, 7.00—8.30pm

Where: Online only, via Zoom (Zoom link will be sent to registrants)

Who: We invite NZSA members and other interested writers to register for this online event by emailing (with “Courage Day workshop” in the subject). Capacity is limited to the first 15 participants to RSVP. The workshop is open to writers in any and all forms (poetry, prose, fiction, non-fiction).

How much: The event is free, but we welcome any donations – however small – particularly from non-members who attend. Your donations help NZSA Wellington branch deliver a programme of writing events through the year.

What: A participatory writing workshop, On Freedom, Courage and Conviction, led by NZSA Wellington branch and held online only (via Zoom). We’ll provide (before the workshop) a workshop outline, a writing prompt, and suggest ways to begin your writing. The workshop will include a brief introduction to Courage Day (history and meaning). We’ll make space for participants to introduce themselves, and to share and discuss the work they create in workshop.

Please note: this is a participatory workshop (rather than a speaker delivering a “how-to” address). Be ready to discuss, contribute, participate, and write. Sharing your writing as part of the workshop is optional, but strongly encouraged.

To find out more, and register for the workshop, please email with “Courage Day workshop” in the subject line.