• Travel And Discretionary Grants For Journalists

    Each year, the Asia New Zealand Foundation travel and discretionary grants programme offers New Zealand journalists the chance to travel to Asia to research and prepare stories. The Asia New Zealand Foundation offers two types of grants to journalists: Travel Grants Travel grants are awarded to journalists who have a clear plan of what stories […]

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  • Travel And Discretionary Grants For Journalists

    Each year, the Asia New Zealand Foundation travel and discretionary grants programme offers New Zealand journalists the chance to travel to Asia to research and prepare stories. The Asia New Zealand Foundation offers two types of grants to journalists: 1. Travel Grants Travel grants are awarded to journalists who have a clear plan of what […]

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  • Selling Self-published Books to Bookshops

    Don’t just print it, sell it – book markets and methods Come and join your fellow self-published authors at this seminar about what bookshops look for, when stocking a self-published book. Held during the Booksellers NZ conference, this is a unique chance to meet some booksellers and learn more about the industry you are part […]

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  • Magic Oxygen Mini-MOLP August Deadline

    Last Words Monologue – 400 words Take inspiration from World Honey Bee Day or World Elephant Day The film is about to end, the last of a species is about to die. Write the script of their parting words. Please visit Magic Oxygen for more information on the Mini-MOLP series.

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  • Magic Oxygen Mini-MOLP July Deadline

    Postcard from the Park – 200 words Take inspiration from National Parks Week or National Tree Day Pen a postcard-sized piece to anyone or anything, with your arboreal thoughts or stories. Please visit Magic Oxygen for more information on the Mini-MOLP series.

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  • Magic Oxygen Mini-MOLP June Deadline

    Sonnet for the Solstice – 14 lines Take inspiration from World Environment Day or World Oceans Day Wax lyrical with a Shakespearian style sonnet and imagine it performed at the break of day on the solstice. Please visit Magic Oxygen for more information on the Mini-MOLP series.

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  • NFFD Celebrations – Wellington

    You are cordially invited to NFFD celebrations June 22, 2016 Please join us next week for our National Flash Fiction Day celebrations, occurring 6-8pm in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington. Judges Elizabeth Smither and James Norcliffe will attend the events in Auckland and Christchurch, respectively, and former NFFD judge Mary McCallum will present prizes in Wellington. The 2016 National Flash […]

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  • NFFD Celebrations – Christchurch

    You are cordially invited to NFFD celebrations June 22, 2016 Please join us next week for our National Flash Fiction Day celebrations, occurring 6-8pm in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington. Judges Elizabeth Smither and James Norcliffe will attend the events in Auckland and Christchurch, respectively, and former NFFD judge Mary McCallum will present prizes in Wellington. The 2016 National Flash […]

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  • NFFD Celebrations – Auckland

    You are cordially invited to NFFD celebrations June 22, 2016 Please join us next week for our National Flash Fiction Day celebrations, occurring 6-8pm in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington. Judges Elizabeth Smither and James Norcliffe will attend the events in Auckland and Christchurch, respectively, and former NFFD judge Mary McCallum will present prizes in Wellington. […]

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  • RWNZ Scholarship 2016

    2016 Conference Scholarship Open The Sandra Hyde Romance Writers Trust is offering a scholarship to the Romance Writers of NZ annual conference, All You Need Is Love, August 12-14, 2016 in Auckland. (More information on the conference here.) Romance author Sandra Hyde (writing as Sandra Hyatt) passed away suddenly on August 21, 2011. Because so […]

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  • Plays For The Young Competition

    The deadline for submissions is 1 August 2016. Playmarket will accept submissions received up until 11:59pm on 1 August 2016. Playmarket is searching for the best new plays to inspire and excite young audiences. Let your imagination run riot! It could be an original story or an adaptation of a classic tale, hilarious or heartfelt. […]

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  • Creating Poets Weekend Workshop (Day 2)

    Poetry at the Laboratory Creating Poets Weekend Workshop with Johanna Emeney Learn, write, share! Join Auckland poet, Johanna Emeney for a two-day poetry workshop to grow your skills in poetry. Suitable for all levels. Fee: $20 Maximum 24 places Closing date for enrolments: 28th July 2016 For more information, or to enrol: Send an email, […]

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