• Natinal Flash Fiction day Banner

    2016 NFFD Competition Closes

    April 30 — National Flash Fiction Day competition closes. Stories up to 300 words (excluding title). Great cash prizes! Details With everything you need to know to enter here.

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  • Close of Flash Frontier SLOW Theme.

    March 31 is the closing date for the Flash Frontier April issue — a NZ special — which is themed ‘SLOW’. Full details of everything you need to know On the Flash Frontier website here including submission guidelines If you haven’t tried Flash Fiction, you may be missing a lot of fun.

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  • Hoopla 2016

    You are warmly invited to the Hoopla 2016 launch, at Scorpio Books BNZ Centre, 120 Hereford Street, Christchurch, Saturday 16th April, 3.30 to 5pm. Where the fish grow – Ish Doney Udon by The Remarkables – Harvey Molloy Withstanding – Helen Jacobs All three poets will be reading. To be launched by James Norcliffe. RSVP by emailing […]

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  • Book Launch

    A children’s picture book: ‘The little Kiwi’s Matariki’ by Nikki Slade Robinson, pub Duck Creek Press, an imprint of David Ling Publishing; will be launched 11am, Sunday 27th March at Ohope Beach School, in conjunction with a kiwi ‘celebration’ (release). There will be displays showcasing the environmental work by groups within Halo (such as the […]

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  • NZSA Canterbury Book Buzz

    Celebrating Canterbury Writers Open-Mic Readings & Book Launches Friday 1st April 2016, 5.30pm to 8pm Board Room, Christchurch South Library, 66 Colombo Street, Christchurch Everyone welcome. FREE (optional koha). Just come and listen, or read your work to others in a friendly environment. Help us celebrate and support our local writers. See attached PDF for the […]

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  • Waiheke Song & Poetry Festival – 2016

    Saturday March 19th 6.30pm-9.30pm: Library & Backcourt Waiheke Library This annual free event will feature local poets work and local songwriters original work.  Open mic slots are available for poets and song writers with Waiheke connections.  The guest performance poet Raewyn Alexander will follow the mihi and welcome.  An iconic NZ songwriter will, also, feature […]

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  • Reading for Writing – Poetic Turns

    Reading for Writing – Poetic Turns In May/June Joanna Preston is offering a Reading for Writing format class that examines the wonderful world of the Poetic Turn. Why do poems change course? And how do they do it? What can you add to a poem by leaping off in another direction? Based on the book Structure & […]

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  • Selwyn Writers’ Salon

    Calling Selwyn Writers! Announcing the launch of the Selwyn Writers’ Salon with Joanna Preston, meeting monthly (first Tuesday, April to November) to get together, share work-in-progress, talk books and the business of writing, debate, argue and listen to guest writers as they give you a peek behind the scenes at whatever they’re currently working on. […]

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  • Jump-Start the Muse

    During April, with a nod to NaPoWriMo, Joanna Preston will be offering a five week poetry writing class. The focus is on getting you writing, with lots of different exercises, and the chance to discuss your drafts as we go. There will be rhyming and non-rhyme, forms, free verse, almost certainly a good swirl of silliness.  A […]

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  • Book Launch – Auckland

    Papawai Press and Friends of the Takapuna Library  invite you to the launch of Hugh Major’s “From Monkey to Moth: an imaginal evolution” ~ charting a path from rational, patriarchal thinking and materialist values to feminine principles of imagination, holism and the power of the inner self. Also, a performance of Carol-Ann Duffy’s The World’s Wife by […]

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    The next concert from the Motueka Music Group on Tuesday 22 March features cellist Joseph Spooner and pianist Kathryn Mosley performing as the Spooner Mosley duo. Their concert ‘Katherine Mansfield and her music’ explores music linked to this celebrated New Zealand author. Katherine Mansfield’s cello teacher while in London was Arnold Trowell, the NZ virtuoso […]

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    NELSON LIVE POETS Nelson Live Poets meet on the third Tuesday of the month at the On Inn, which is in the basement underneath the Inn Between Backpackers, 335 Trafalgar Street, on the east side of the cathedral. Their next meeting is on Wednesday 18 April, starting at 7.30 pm. This will be an open […]

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