Paper Road Press – submissions


Paper Road Press specialises in science fiction and fantasy, all things in between – and things from the fringes, too; the familiar made unfamiliar and the unfamiliar familiar.


Paper Road Press is open to submissions of novella manuscripts from 1 January to 1 April 2019.

I am looking for snappy, sharply plotted novellas that readers will want to rip through in a single sitting. Memorable characters, weird or surprising magic systems, marvels (and monsters) of science, and more – the best novellas punch well above their weight for imagination and adventure, and that’s what I’m after.

Aotearoa New Zealand settings and/or characters are strongly preferred. Novellas with no connection to Aotearoa New Zealand (whether author, setting or characters) are unlikely to be successful.

Your novella should be between 20,000 and 50,000 words, and in the genre(s) of science fiction, fantasy and/or horror. It should not have been previously published. Novellas will be published simultaneously in ebook and paperback.

Payment will be an advance of NZ $300 on publication and royalties of 40% of all monies received by the publisher (less printing costs), paid twice yearly.

Send your manuscript in .doc or .rtf format to, with a short synopsis and author bio in the body of the email. Please ensure your manuscript includes the novella title and author name in the document itself as well as the file name, e.g., make it Ctrl-F friendly!

Any questions – send them to