Pipitea Book Pitch

NZSA Wellington Branch Pipitea venue

Join NZ Society of Authors Wellington Branch on 18 June for our regular Branch meeting, followed by an exciting new event: Pipitea Book Pitch.

We have a confirmed line-up of ten marvellous local authors (all NZSA members), who will each have three minutes to tell you about their book, and convince you that it should go straight to the top of your To Be Read pile.

All ten authors will offer copies of their books for sale, and will be available to chat and sign books. All sales are direct from the authors, so don’t forget to bring cash to buy books.

When: Monday 18 June
7.00pm: Cash bar
7.30pm: NZSA Wellington Branch meeting
7.45pm: Pipitea Book Pitch Part 1: The Pitch
8.20pm: Pipitea Book Pitch Part 2: Pop-up Book Shop (to finish by 9pm)

Everyone welcome! Koha at the door: $3 NZSA members, $5 non-members.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page and Twitter feed for more information.

The event programme has details of the ten featured authors and books.

Contact wellington@nzauthors.org.nz with any enquiries.

Our thanks to Vic Books for providing our event venue.