The creative writing retreat will be held from 11 – 14 May 2018 with award-winning Australian novelist Jesse Blackadder at Appleby House, near Rabbit Island. It will be focused on transforming the essence of a fact (whether it be something in your own life, or a moment in history) into a compelling narrative. Find out more at


Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant
– Robert Louis
Our focus
A creative writing retreat from 11-14 May 2018 with award-winning novelist Jesse Blackadder focused on transforming the essence of a fact (whether it be something in your own life, or a moment in history) into a compelling narrative.
Jesse says:
“Every story begins with a seed. Although I’m a novelist, for me that initial idea is always something in the real world. An old photograph that engraves itself on my memory. Words from a long dead poet. An event in my distant childhood. A news story I cut out and saved. A tomb for unborn whales. A tale passed down over centuries…

“But a seed isn’t a tree and an idea isn’t a story. The joy, and work, and the craft of writing comes from growing a tiny idea into a fully realised story.

“In this course we’ll explore how to take the seed of an idea and develop it into a compelling narrative. Examining the structures that underpin successful books and stories, I will help you apply their principles to your own writing in original and exciting ways. Hands on exercises will help you find the best structure for your work, create memorable characters and vivid worlds, and polish your words and sentences until they glow.

“I will spend 20 minutes individual time with every participant during the workshop, giving you personal feedback on a sample of writing sent beforehand.

“I look forward to hearing about the idea that just won’t leave you alone…”

– Jesse Blackadder, Doctor of Creative Arts