Poetry Editing 101 – Preparing for Publication

Join poet and editor Joanna Preston for a workshop designed to help you get your poem ready for the wider world.

We’ll look at the basics of editing, some tricks and tips to make it easier, and some of the common mistakes writers make. We’ll also look at how you go about the mechanics of sending your poem out to literary journals – the do’s and don’t’s of submission, what to expect, and even suggestions for managing the admin.

Intended for people with some experience of writing poetry, although no previous publication experience is required.

Saturday, April 22nd, 2017
10.30 am – 2.30 pm
(four hours)
The Boardroom,
South Christchurch Library
Colombo St, Christchurch
Fee: $15

Supported by Christchurch City Council Creative Communities fund.

Minimum of 8, maximum of 24 places.

Closing date for enrolments: 15th April 2017.
For further information visit: https://jopre.wordpress.com/workshops/for-2017/ or email: preston.joanna@gmail.com