Political Poetry – next start date April 5th

Live Cannon are currently running this course for the second time, but there seems to be interest in us setting up a third group, starting in April. It’s a 12 week course, and the next group will commence on April 5th. Do get in touch if you’d like to book a place or find out more. Each week you receive a tutorial via email (illustrated with videos and audio recordings). There are writing prompts and exercises to inspire work, an online chat group for discussion, and written feedback from the Live canon team.

  • Topics covered include:
  • What is political poetry?
  • Politics and form
  • Protest poetry
  • Discourse, rhetoric and vocabulary
  • Poet as witness
  • Writing Back
  • Satire
  • Public Poetry
  • Old Stories, New Contexts
  • Rebels and Rule breakers

The cost is 150 pounds (half price for students) and this can be split into three instalments.

Feedback from participants:

‘The tutorials are absolutely packed with information, inspiration and ideas. Way more than I was expecting’.

‘I’ve been on quite a lot of poetry courses. This is the first that has really changed me as a writer.’

‘I found myself relating pretty much everything I was reading, writing or thinking to the course. It was three months of pure engagement for me’.

‘This sort of correspondence course is a god send if, like me, you are on the other side of the world from the poetry community you used to be a part of…’
