RAK Mason Writing Fellowship

The New Zealand Pacific Studio invites applications for a three week residency at its multi-cultural artists’ residency centre in rural Wairarapa. The 2016 RAK Mason Fellow will be in residence for three weeks at the historic Kaiparoro/Normandell House in the Wairarapa and would work in the garden-facing Mason Room.

The purpose of this RAK Mason Fellowship is to encourage creativity, to explore the different literary forms or genres and their potential, and to honour one of New Zealand’s foremost writers, RAK Mason (1905-1971).

NZPS welcomes applications from writers of all cultures who seek a similar focus through sustained activity. Selection will be based on the nature and strength of an applicant’s proposed project and the degree to which both the Fellow and the local community will benefit from it (although the focus remains on supporting the writer in the serious creation of their work). Applicants can be at any stage in their creative ‘careers.’

Applications close 17 February. More Information.