The Richmond Writing Group is for adults with an interest in writing – whether you’re just thinking about starting to write something, you’re a published author, or somewhere in between. The group meets on the third Tuesday of the month, 1 – 3 pm, in the Constance Barnicoat Room at Richmond Library. In the first hour there is an author talk, then from 2 pm everyone is welcome to join the Richmond Writing Group for an hour of discussion or creative writing exercises in a relaxed, supportive atmosphere. It’s free to attend and anyone of any ability can come. Bring writing materials.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 20 April, when the guest speaker at 1 pm will be Katherine Palmer Gordon. Katherine has been writing for publications in both New Zealand and Canada since 1995.

Katherine writes about the contemporary issues that face society, both serious and light-hearted. She has covered some of the most beautiful regions of the planet; the people who live around us and what they do; and environmental, cultural, and business-related issues. With more than twenty years experience working with iwi on treaty settlements and First Nations on land claims and inter-governmental relations, Katherine also writes about the complex and human side of treaty negotiations, reconciliation, and the path to justice for First Nations.


Currently residing in Motueka, Katherine is at work on her eighth book, This Place Is Who We Are, on the interconnection of place, people and wellbeing, told through the voices of a range of indigenous individuals living and working in the Great Bear Rainforest and Xaayda Gwaay in northern BC, Canada. Join Katherine for a discussion about her work, and about writing stories like these.

For more information about the Writing Group contact Pania Walton, Promotions Assistant, Richmond Library, at