Nelson Romance Writers announce their 2017 romance short story competition with the theme ‘A Holiday Romance’. There are three categories: published or self-published writers over the age of 18; non-published writers over the age of 18; senior students (years 11 – 13). Word count is 1200 words. The entry fee is $10 per story, or $20 if you wish to receive a written assessment of your story. You may submit more than one entry.

First prize in each category is a copy of Ripples, an anthology by Nelson Romance Writers, plus a big basket of romantic goodies. The supreme overall winner will be presented with a certificate plus one year’s membership of Romance Writers of NZ, including a subscription to Heart to Heart. The competition judge is Angela Bissell, a NZ romance writer published by Harlequin Mills & Boon. Entries close on 1 September.

For more information and an entry form contact Annika Ohlson-Smith on 03-548 5561 or