Sandra Hyde Romance Writers memorial scholarship

The Sandra Hyde Romance Writers Trust is offering a scholarship to the Romance Writers of NZ annual conference, WhenLove Comes To Town, August 10-12, 2018 in Novotel Ellerslie, Auckland.

Romance author Sandra Hyde (writing as Sandra Hyatt) passed away suddenly on August 21, 2011. Because so many have been touched by Sandra’s life, either personally or through reading her wonderful books, her family has set up a trust to continue her legacy of generosity and kindness by furthering the career of an emerging writer.

An active member of Romance Writers of New Zealand, Sandra served on the executive for three terms and was always willing to reach out to new writers with advice and encouragement.

Money raised by the Trust will form an annual education grant, awarded to an aspiring NZ-based romance writer to enable them to attend a national or international writers conference, to improve their craft and progress their writing goals.

2018 Prize: RWNZ Conference fees (Friday Workshop and Weekend Conference, plus cocktail party). If the winner is not currently a member of RWNZ, their prize will include a one-year membership subscriptionThe winner will also receive $150 contribution toward expenses.

Who can enter: Any New Zealand-based writer of romantic fiction (published or unpublished). Anyone who has previously entered (other than a prior successful applicant), is welcome to reapply.

How to enter: The Sandra Hyde Romance Writers Trust was established to benefit aspiring New Zealand romance writers. Please email your application, telling us a little about your writing career to date, how you are “aspiring”, and why you would like to attend the RWNZ conference. Your email should be no longer than one A4 printed page (feel free to make it shorter!) and should be in the body of your email. DO NOT SEND AN ATTACHMENT. Include your name, email address and phone numbers in the email. Send your email to the Sandra Hyde Romance Writers Trust

Deadline to enter: Midnight, NZ time, Monday 21 May, 2018.

Winner announced: By Monday 28 May, 2018.


Disclaimers: The prize is conference registration, as described, plus $150 contribution toward expenses. Flights, additional hotel costs, breakfasts and dinners (including the Awards Dinner) and all other non-conference meals, associated travel costs, and all other costs are the responsibility of the winner. If no applications are received that are deemed worthy of the award, the judges reserve the right not to make an award. The winner will be allowed to register for the conference at the earlybird rate regardless of the earlybird deadline of 31 May, 2017, otherwise, the judges reserve the right to offer the prize to another applicant. The conference fee will be paid directly to RWNZ with the $150.00 toward expenses paid directly to the winner.

Please read the FAQ below for further information. Then get cracking!

Good luck, we look forward to receiving your entry.

The Trustees of the Sandra Hyde Romance Writers Trust

I am a published author (or an unpublished author). Can I still enter?
The award is open to both published and unpublished writers.

I don’t live in New Zealand. Can I still enter?
No, sorry. The Trust deed specifies that the trust is for the benefit of New Zealand writers.

I don’t really write romance…my book is Young Adult / women’s fiction / a thriller. Can I still enter?

No, sorry. The award is for romance writers. You don’t have to be a member of RWNZ, but you do have to be writing romance.

Does the prize cover my travel costs?

No. See the disclaimers above.

Do I have to prove financial hardship to win this award?
No. Hardship is just one reason why you might have an interest in this award. Go ahead and mention it if it’s relevant, but don’t worry if it’s not.

If I win, and then I decide I can’t go to the conference, can my friend use the prize instead?
No. The prize is not transferable. If the winner is unable to make use of the prize, another winner will be chosen.

Will you pay me the cash for the prize?
No. We will pay RWNZ directly for your conference fee, and will pay you a $150 cheque toward expenses.

I’ve already registered for the RWNZ conference. Can I enter this award?
Yes. You will be reimbursed for your Friday and Weekend Conference fees.

Will you be running this award again next year?
That’s the plan! The Trust has received several donations to enable us to offer this scholarship. Thank you very much to everyone who has donated so far. If you’d like to make a donation, email for further details.

Who will select the winner?
The decision will be made by the Trustees of the Sandra Hyde Romance Writers Trust. These include members of Sandra’s family and some of her writing friends.

Who can I contact with questions about this award?

No one. Just use the information above to guide you. If something’s not mentioned here, use common sense.

How will I hear if I’ve won?
The winner will be contacted via phone, and we’ll follow up with non successful applicants by email. The result will also be announced in the Heart to Heart e-newsletter.