As for essays, we are eager to see anything related to poetry and poetics. Once again, make sure that your work is typed and thoroughly edited. Essays should not be more than 5000 words in length. Again, we require a brief bio-note to speed up the process of correspondence.

All writers published in Poetry New Zealand receive a free copy of the issue in which their work appears. For this reason, we would also ask you to include a current postal address with your submission.

Please submit work for our single annual issue only between the dates of 1st May and 31st July each year. The reason for this policy is to avoid a long wait before your work is accepted or rejected. You should hear back from us within, at most, three months of the date of submission.

Submit electronically to the following email address: (you can paste your submission into the body of the email or include it as an MSWord file attachment). This is our preferred option.

You can, however, also submit by post, to the following address:

Dr Jack Ross
Poetry NZ
School of English and Media Studies
Massey University, Albany Campus
Pvt Bag 102 904
North Shore Mail Centre
Auckland 0745

(Please remember to include a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and include an email address – or at least a phone number – in your covering letter).

Good luck, and thank you for submitting to Poetry New Zealand. Please note that we may take up to three months to respond. Please do not enquire regarding your submission before then.