Taking the Sting out of Editing

Date: 9:30am (for a 10am start) – 3pm, Saturday 23 November 2019
Location: Waikanae Baptist Church, Te Moana Road, Waikanae
Faculty: Catherine Robertson
Cost: $86.25 including lunch
To register contact: kirsten@kahini.org

There are two types of writers: those who claim to enjoy the editing process, and the other ninety-nine per cent who know the rest are liars. Editing is stressful and often confronting. It forces you to look objectively at your “baby” and be honest about whether or not it’s ugly. It forces you to deal with external feedback, too, and like Dr Phil, professional editors don’t sugar coat.

This workshop will help you manage both the emotional and practical aspects of editing. You’ll learn how to be your own best critic, and to deal with external feedback without curling into a foetal position. You’ll learn tips for approaching revisions, and communicating with your editor. You’ll practice giving and receiving feedback, and do a few quick, fun editing exercises. You won’t love the editing process by the workshop’s end because no one does, but you will feel more positive and confident about this unavoidable part of the writing process.

The workshop welcomes anyone who writes fiction or non-fiction, and who has some experience with the editing process. We probably won’t have time to go through individual pieces of work, but feel free to share your editing tales.

Limited to 12 participants. To reserve your space contact Kirsten Le Harivel at kirsten@kahini.org.

More info.