Tasmanian Writers’ Prize 2020

The winning entry will receive a cash prize of $500 and publication in Tasmania 40°South! A selection of the best entries will be published in the Forty South Short Story Anthology 2020.

Terms and conditions

• The prize is for short stories up to 3,000 words having an island, or island-resonant, theme.

• Writers will be citizens of Australia or New Zealand or Australian permanent residents.

• Maximum of two entries per person. • Entry fee of $20 per story entered. See Entry Form for payment details.

• Each entry must be provided as an electronic file (Word file) and in hard copy (these will not be returned). See Entry Form for submission details.

• The author’s identity should not appear on the hard copy manuscript. Please indicate the word count on your manuscript.

• Please provide full contact details.

• Please provide a biography/statement (maximum 150 words) and author photo (headshot) to be used if the entry is included in the anthology. It is a condition of entry that successful writers’ names and photos may be used by Forty South Publishing for publicity purposes.

• Articles should be typed on white paper with text double-spaced using an easy-to-read typeface. • Entrants must assert that entries are their own original work and that the stories have not been previously published.

• The Judging Panel reserves the right not to award a prize and no correspondence will be entered into.

• Employees of Forty South Publishing and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter the competition. Immediate family members of the Judging Panel are not eligible to enter the competition.

Tasmanian Writers’ Prize