The 2017 K?piti Writers’ Retreat

The 2017 K?piti Writers’ Retreat
3-5 March 2017
K?piti Coast, New Zealand

Immerse yourself in writing and conversation this summer. There’s something for everyone–whether you’re new to writing, an established writer, or somewhere in-between. Happening from 3rd to 5th March on the beautiful K?piti Coast north of Wellington, the K?piti Writers’ Retreat is a two-day gathering for writers that encompasses intensive morning workshops, lively afternoon panels, discussions and space and time to write, relax and engage with topics critical to your work.

Six established New Zealand and international writers–Helen Lehndorf, Hera Lindsay Bird, Jordan Hartt, Nalini Singh, Queenie Rikihana-Hyland, and Vivienne Plumb–will teach morning workshops: three in fiction, two in poetry, one in memoir writing, and one cross-genre. In the afternoons the same teachers will lead panels and discussions on topics pertinent to craft and literature in Aotearoa.

You’ll find community, encouragement, and a safe place in which to take artistic risks.

Register before 31 December and get early bird rates. Find out more here.