The 2024 Kāpiti Writers’ Retreat

Immerse yourself in writing and conversation this summer. There’s something for everyone–whether you’re new to writing, an established writer, or somewhere in between.

The Kāpiti Writers’ Retreat is happening from 23 – 25 February 2024 on the beautiful Kāpiti Coast north of Wellington. This three-day gathering for writers encompasses intensive morning workshops, lively discussions, and space to write, relax and engage with topics critical to your work.

Writers Practice is delighted to host leading writers from across Aotearoa – Cassie Hart, Ingrid Horrocks, Isa Pearl Ritchie, Kiri Piahana-Wong, Paula Morris, Sasha Francis, Helen Lehndorf and Catherine Cooper – at the 2024 Kāpiti Writers’ Retreat. Each writer will teach morning workshops: in fiction, poetry, essay, and responding to our current reality. In the afternoons, they will lead discussions on topics pertinent to craft and literature in Aotearoa.

The event will open with a walk through the local area to learn some of the kōrero and history of the area to the haukāinga, Te Āti Awa, followed by a shared meal and free writing session.

Saturday begins with yoga, morning workshop of your choice, lunch, lively afternoon discussions, notebook making, drop in advice, dinner and an open mike

Sunday begins with yoga, morning workshop of your choice continues, final afternoon session and then closing. 

You’ll find community, encouragement, and a safe place in which to take artistic risks. All participants will gain access to our new 2024 community programme which will offer a year of continued support and community. 

Places are limited. Earlybird rates apply until December 20.

Find out more & sign up here.